
Post-COVID, What Tech Actually Matters for Workspaces?

Posted by The Urban Hyve Team on 2nd Dec 2020

Post-COVID, What Tech Actually Matters for Workspaces?

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdowns and quarantines haven’t left much choice to businesses; they could’ve either closed their doors and waited for things to return to normal, or transferred to the new technologies.

The latter was, unsurprisingly, the more popular choice. It was the only way to stay afloat and continue turning a profit. If there’s one silver lining to this whole health crisis, it’s that the adoption of digital technologies has been sped up by several years.

But once the pandemic is over, will businesses continue using these new technologies, or will they quickly become obsolete? What tech will matter when we return to normal?

Collaboration Tools

Without advanced collaboration tools, no business (or even school) could’ve continued operating during the pandemic.

And while it will be essential to create physical collaborative workspaces that improve teamwork, it will also be vital to continue using collaboration tools that enable remote work.

Over the past few years, remote work has been on the rise. The pandemic has proven that remote working is a possibility for many, and many will want to still have the option to work from home after COVID-19.

Cloud-Based Solutions

Since it’s expected that remote work will continue after the pandemic, cloud-based solutions and their integration will remain essential.

Cloud-based solutions enable easy remote access to work-related files, programs, and applications. Employees can safely make use of remote desktops and other cloud-based technology, and continue working almost as if physically present at the office.

These technologies allow for seamless collaboration and communication between your employees, wherever they are. Additionally, they empower companies to expand their workforce and hire global talent regardless of the geographical restrictions.

Touchless Tech

COVID-19 has forced people to be aware of all the things they frequently come in contact with – computer keyboards, smartphones, doorknobs, light switches, remotes, and more. These surfaces are a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses, and in a world where almost everyone’s becoming a germaphobe, there’s a need to limit direct contact with them.

The solution is touchless technology. It’s already more widespread than it seems; we have automatic doors and lights that rely on motion sensors, automatic air fresheners, even automatic paper towel dispensers. Touchless technology will only grow, being used for smart access systems and more.

Excellent Connectivity

Modern office workstations will rely more and more on excellent internet connectivity. Cloud-based solutions, collaboration tools, touchless technology, and more, would be impossible without fast internet and great connectivity.

Advancements in the fifth generation mobile network, aka 5G, are making excellent connectivity a reality in businesses around the world.

The Bottom Line

The pandemic sped up the adoption of new technologies, and while many of them will become obsolete once things have returned to normal, others will stay with us. That’s why businesses need to keep integrating new technologies and leverage them for growth and development.

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